
An Undertaking of S.D.College (Lahore) Ambala Cantt

पन्थनिरपेक्षता,साम्प्रदायिकता,आततायिवाद के प्रति संवैधानिक एवं संस्कृतज्ञों का बोध

पन्थनिरपेक्षता,साम्प्रदायिकता,आततायिवाद के प्रति संवैधानिक एवं संस्कृतज्ञों का बोध
Discussion was opened up with history of the word secular and it’s dictionary meaning, particularly Monier William where he refers secular as इहलौकिक. Moving on with the narrative developed by pseudo-seculars, communists, liberals, & civil society members it became clear it was included in constitution with ulterior motives because people of hindu culture (himalaya to hind mahasagar) gave अभय to who came to this land. There was no need to introduce words-majority -minority’ & then creating hype to safeguard minorities in the communal way and humiliate people of hindu land. Hindu doesn’t qualify to be a religion as 1)it is Godless culture., 2) it has no belief system but culture of questioning. (Deity not to be confused with god) Religion essentially is book , prophet & god based . Secularism is a way to uproot culture of this land and bring in a cultural debasement among youth. Civil society lobby who always condemned & humiliated the way of life of this land had to be challenged academically and intellectually. Terrorism is the manifestation of belief system because one has to spread his belief and this makes act of violence essential. It is absurd to say terrorism has no nation or religion. It is like saying fire is not hot. The hindu terrorism was also discussed and participants failed to understand which country , government, religion funds hindu to become terrorists, what weapons of mass destruction were found from person arrested in the name of hindu terrorists. How a hindu terrorists behave and what he is going to get after death as there is no provision of swarag after killing an ant.
There were lot many arguments put forwarded from different perspectives by 17 participants including students. Discussion ended with vote of thanx to the head of hindi dept dr vijay sharma and other members of hindi dept for providing space to hold this discussion in their dept.
Its strange that the dinner of british queen is still blessed by priest. Even guests can’t eat before it is blessed. That’s a quite a good idea of practising secularism.
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Ashutosh Angiras

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